Lines as Affirmation

This is a piece I wrote for someone to explain my headspace around line writing (in October 2023), so I’ve lightly edited it to make it “public” facing, but it’s something I think about often, since lines (and essays!) are a significant component of the real-but-not-real-life discipline I’ve done. Lines are not unheard of in the spanking community, but the person I have written lines for, has expectations for them. Expectations that make the act itself structure and discipline, not simply busy work – though they could theoretically also be used as a consequence, I don’t have experience with that (yet!). This was written after the first time I wrote some lines on my own and in a much less formal situation, but before the first time I wrote lines for real, which was pretty cool and came a few weeks later.

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Uniform, Role-play, and Stepping out of My Comfort Zone

I’ve mentioned uniforms in all three of my posts so far (and my story!), but if you have known me during my time in the scene, my previous blogging, even my video work, that would probably surprise you. It surprised me, too! Well, sort of. I think what surprised me was my willingness to say it out loud and acknowledge it. I always maintained that I wasn’t into uniforms. After all, I wasn’t into role-play, didn’t like it, and what other purpose could they serve? School girl uniforms are ubiquitous in the spanking community. You’ll see a version of them everywhere – there are hundreds of videos featuring school girl uniforms from the suggestive, to the more-or-less realistic variety (though rare is a proper, formal, regulation uniform in a spanking video or even in the immersive role play events). The tone tends suggestive – we are talking about sexy schoolgirls here. Cute school girls. Skirts can be pink or purple, shirts are probably still white, knee socks may be rainbow, and the shoes likely have a heel. Fairly consistent are the pigtails – usually ponytails but sometimes braids.

This version of a uniform, does not appeal to me. It feels like a costume and to me, a costume means pretending to be someone else, or acting. In other words, it’s role-play and I truly have never been able to wrap my head around role-play. I understand for some people it’s a powerful venture into fantasy, but I feel most comfortable playing as myself. I have plenty of fantasies, of course, but they more often have to do with tone and how I feel after a spanking, than assuming a role during a spanking. Thus, I always found it easy to say it wasn’t my thing because the only context I had, genuinely wasn’t. I didn’t quite have the language to talk about my relationship to discipline and the importance of clothing (as briefly mentioned in my previous post) to that. Could I imagine a specific outfit worn for punishment or discipline? Yes – but to me, that was usually just a simple t-shirt or pajamas, white panties; or more striking – something very formal, a conservative and modest dress perhaps – the common denominator being that it was specific and decided in advance. The formality of specific clothing being tied to discipline had always been there, I just didn’t have the vocabulary or context to talk about it.

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Punishment vs. Discipline – how do they work for me?

My earliest spanking fantasies – as mentioned previously – focused on punishment and discipline dynamics. I used these terms interchangeably until recently but was usually meaning punishment. Something that I’ve been working my brain around in the last several months is the differences between the two and why I’ve struggled to identify what it was I really wanted. I should probably start with how I define these two. It’s important to note that these are only my definitions and analysis – there are as many ways of looking at how spanking fits into punishment and discipline as there are participants. These needs are person specific!

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